Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Thesis Statement:

First and foremost, I promise you this will not be a place for venting frustration. Also, I will never apologize for not posting. I have a life and I am sure you do too. :P

This will be a weekly post. It will be more of a public diary about the life and times of me(could that sound any more conceded?). Along side I will post up what I cook, techniques that I know, also what I wear, what my grandma and I did that day. I will post about gigs, and about things that I find interesting.

Above all I hope that this post will prove and encourage other people to keep up fashion in a cheap affordable way, and to look stunning at any moment even with a busy schedule.

Did I mention I am excited? Hahaha.

If you don't like what I write I am sorry we don't agree on things, and please don't be mean and say something rude. Thank you.

Take care till next time darlings,



I guess the first blog will be an introduction of who I am and I'll make another post about what this blog will be about. :) I am so excited!!!!! :D

My name is Aneliese (better known as Anne). I am 19 years old and reside in the hectic but yet beautiful city of Los Angeles. I am a pretty positive person, but I am known to be a cold hearted person if I don't like you. My main interests are music, food, vintage clothing, motorcycles, cars, and above all caring for my grandmother.

I am open to pretty much anything except for rap. I can't stand it. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy some rap. I will give a rap song a try, but as a general rule of thumb I wont listen to a song if it's derogatory or belittles others no matter the genre.

The main tunes that I just can't get enough of are oi/skate punk, thrash, big band, hot jazz, classic rock, and the blues babay!

I am beginning an Associate in Arts degree in Culinary Arts starting next month. So exciting!!! I love food. I truly mean love. I am a fat ass. Simple as that. Hahaha. I am a lactose intolerant vegetarian. In other words I do eat/drink animal products just not meat and milk. But come my culinary classes I will eat meat. :(. When I cook it's one of the greatest feelings I get. There is something therapeutic in putting on a record, then go to my stove turn on the burner and get to it. With out a doubt my favorite style of cooking is Sicilian.

I am a huge vintage junkie. By vintage I mean I like the clothing from the 1930's to the 60's. I try my best to recreate the look from the 1940's and 50's on a daily baises. I like how the 1930's style looks on other people, but for me it's not suiting. And for the 60's I love the clothes and make up of the conservative American womyn (not a typo) but I only have a few items from that time. I hope to expand my collection.:D

I own a Honda CB160 and I am currently rebuilding the engine. I am taking classes at my local trade school to become a Motorcycle Mechanic. Something about being on a bike...... It's amazing . It's great to drive along Malibu, or to go through downtown at night. I have to be honest, I am more on the back seat than the front. I am more of a scooter person. I know it's lame, but hey you try driving a motorcycle in a skirt. If you do, then please give me some advice hun. :P

I am an okay mechanic on it, but not the best. Like I know how to fix it, but I get discouraged when it comes to cars.....BUT I do enjoy racing. I am a great street racer. I know it's not legal, but when it's safe, and the car I am driving is reliable, then pedal to the metal. My dream cars are either a Lotus Elise, or a 1969 fastback red with a white racing stripe Mustang. I try to go to car shows when ever I have some spare money/time ..... which is rare now a days :(

I love her. She's pretty old, but still kicking it. I am unsure about her age, but I do know she is some where in her late 60's. I am her caregiver. I live with her and make all her meals, and do as much as I can for her.

When I am on brake from school we will spend our day like this:

I will make breakfast for her and I pack a lunch for later, then we will do what ever chores or errands she wants to do that day, then come back home make some dinner for her, my father, and myself. Then after that we will settle her bills or sum up her money for the following day. It sounds simple, but she has many mental illnesses a long with depression, so doing those things are a HUGE task for her. Anxiety attacks are a daily ordeal for her.

When I am at school this is how we spend our day:

In the morning make breakfast for us, then I will go to school, come back help her with chores around the home and clean house for her. Then once five o'clock comes around and she feels like I have helped her enough for the day I will start making dinner for her, my father, and I.

The way it is set up, she lives in her house in the front...And I have my own bungalow in the back complete with a kitchen :D, a room, bathroom, and closet. I will post some pictures at another time.

Also, on the weekends I go out clubbing WOOT WOOT! Some clubs that I frequent the glamorous Cicada, 18+ 80's club, and I sometimes go to trance clubs. Although I have to admit that I sneak out on Mondays to go to Blue Mondays it's my second favorite club to the Cicada.

I love her because even though she has so much going on in her head, and she isn't the same womyn that I knew growing up......she still keeps on going. She also has a huge appreciation for life even though everything is so messed up for her.

My father(her son) asked me the other day why I am so hard working for her, and I told him that even though 90% of the time she is lost and confused, the other 10% of the time it's the grandma that I came to know and love. The funny, carefree grandma pops out every now and again. It's for those short moments that I do it. And above all, what makes me keep going is my love for her.

Over looking this post, I refuse to believe I am that busy. Hahahaha.

Tah Tah for now sweeties,