Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Blue Monday wasn't Blue to me.

This is more like a Diary more than anything eles.... So it's nothing to be thought of as serious. :P

I wore a Blue dress and that was about it... I had a blast at Universal Studios early last Monday... Then ended the night with Blue Mondays in Hollywood. It was PACKED! I think it was due to winter break happenin'.

But I'll cut to the chase.... I got a Hot ass guy's number... I am talkin' about a MAN with python arms, not too tall, and not too short.... He has a perfect combination of masculinity and sexiness. I didn't notice him until my friend pointed him out and said he was cute... I first thought "Eh, he's gay" No straight guy hangs out with two chicks and look that well manicured....

I saw him twirling his friend, who was super cute (all dolled up). Then I locked eyes with him, looked down, then locked um again and sang the song in his direction... Once I had him in my tractor beam he looked at me and said, "You wanna dance?" I said, "Yeah baby." Then I was swept off my feet by a surprisingly great dancer. He whispered the lyrics in my ears, and when the chorus came he would hold me tight and whisper yet again in my ear,

"I want to hold you close
Skin pressed against me tight
Lie still, and close your eyes girl
So lovely, it feels so right"

Then a twirl or two, and he would hold me tight and whisper again....

"I wanna fuckin' tear you apart."

GAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUD DAMN!!!! I have been waiting for years to hear that from a guy.

I realized he wasn't gay when he expected me to grind up on him. I was surprised, but I kept being a lady... I just did a lil' wiggle dance, but nothin' too crazy.

As soon as the dance was over I blurted

"Are you straight?"

Then BAM!
"YEA"(With a chuckle)

So I asked,
"You gotta number or something?"

"Yeah, but to let you know I am in the Army, and I am stationed in Monteray. I am on leave for now."

My heart sank.... But ey what can a gal do?

I got his number and we have been chatting away about different things about each other. I am concerned about him being older (24), and that I will only have this one week with him.... Then who knows what will happen. :/ My main concern is that he is in the Army, and well, I don't care for it. I am a hippy kinda gal. :P

The good thing is that this will definitely not lead to anything serious, and meanwhile I will be able to learn more about a relay neat individual.

As for now I will just enjoy the moment. :D

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Recent news.

I am gonna start sewing dresses for my friends, I moved back to my bungalow in Echo Park, and I am on a diet.

That's about it. I'll be posting about the dresses. I'll also take some photos of my home.

One kick ass thing is that the semester is almost over... Just 2 more finals and I am outta there. :D LACC Here I come. Hahaha.

Wow, been a while...

I always seem to be posting at total random moments in my life. :D It's exciting like that.

Well for thanksgiving I went to Death Valley. My father and I took a daddy daughter trip to Death Valley, and decided to just roam around there for a few days. Then we were gonna go up to Bishop and visit their ghost towns... But Bishop was way too cold for us to even want to go. Sorry Bishop.

We then decide to spend two nights in Death Valley. As opposed to just one. On the first night we just knocked out. Then in the morning we went to Rhyolite...But papa bear was too hungry to stop so we went to Beatty, Navada.

It was a cool experience. I went into a bar, and ordered water. :P Not only that, but I had some kick ass chili. It was great! It was super cute, everyone in the bar took great pride in their Chili. :D It was award winning as a matter of fact. It was neat to me to see people bet there too. I haven't seen people bet openly before. It was surreal how friendly everyone was.

It was cute one old timer came in and said hello to me and asked me, "Where we goin' sweetie?" in a southern drawl. Hahaha. I blushed. He was too sweet. The awesome bartender was so nice too. I haven't met a place that was so cute and sweet. :D

It was so adorable! They talked about their recent event, they hired someone to look over the ducks in their new duck pond. Because some jerk went and killed the pair before. :( But it was nice to see how their faces lit up because they were so proud of their lil duck pond. Too CUTE!

So after we ate some kick ass Chilli, we went to Rhyolite. It was exciting to be there. I almost see the whole town hustlein' and bustelin' :) I loved it. I'll post pics latter. :P

While we were there my lil pops got hungry. I told my dad I that Beatty's chilli was great, but I couldn't eat another round of it. So he suggested Vegas... Excuse my french but I said, "FUCK YEAH!".....

On our way there we passed Area 51. It was able to freak me the heck out.

Then I knocked out. I woke up about 30 minutes before vagas.

Vegas was packed! It was the most beautiful city I had ever seen. It was...... amazing! I love it there. It has inspired me to get a job. We got to see the Billagio's water show.... I have to admit I cried with joy when I walked the strip.

On our way to the Billagio we walked in Paris. It was like Disney land!!!! We wanted to eat at the Billagio, but the line was way too long, so we went and ate at a restaurant in Paris.<3...

After dinner we got a pair of cigars... The only down side was that people were staring at us as if I were his date... not his daughter. One lady straight up asked me if I was his wife.

I decided to say F um, I am gonna have a blast with my pops.... but my pops could only take the ice dagger looks for so long.... So we had to end the night early. Stupid people, it would do them good to take their minds outta the gutter.

but we did get to smoke some of our cigars. :D My dad smoked the rest of his in the morning, and he had to take a nap he was so relaxed from the nicotine.

Then the next day we went to Scotty's Castle... If you don't know about it. It's okay. Not many people do. It's an interesting story. Click on the link to know more about one of the cutest con mans.

Then that evening we went to Lone Pine. You might not know this, but I lived there for about 6 months last year. It's such a beautiful place to be. Especially when it snows. <3 So it was nice to go back there. It was nice. It was like coming home from a long trip. We had dinner with my dad's friend and played Wi. He was so excited to see us. He's a sweetheart.

For the rest of our stay we just kept low in the motel. :) My boys (pet rats) loved the extra attention, and french fries. hahaha. We have a tradition of giving them French Fries when we go to Mojave.

What an eccentric and exciting trip that was!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Giveaway alert!

"In The Hayday" blog has reached it's 100 followers mark! Congrats hun!!!


She is giving away Fleur's gorgeous dress. I hope that I can get it. :P Here's the link to her blog if you haven't read it already.

Friday, October 15, 2010

I told the crush that I liked him...

Wasn't hard. Just messaged him.... It went as predicted... REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Jected. :P I am cool though... I waited to tell him when I was comfortable with being rejected. :D

Although I have to tell you I am so much happier to know that he's not into me. I know it sounds strange... But now I know there is no more guessing. It's final. He's not my kinda man. And I feel powerful now that I am not thinking about anyone else but me and what I have to do.... Well, that's not a hundred percent true... I have to think about my family... :D But It's hard to explain, but point being I am happier than normal now that I told him....

Here's a cutie patutie video that I stumbled upon:

Cute Picture:


Quote of the day:

Meglio stasera, che domani o mai,
Domani chi lo sa, quel che sarĂ ?

Literal translation

Better tonight, than tomorrow or never,
Tomorrow who knows, what will be?

Hollows Eve!

Oh how I wish Halloween could be every day! Or at least a whole week long. :(

I have so many Ideas to dress up.... I think the reason why is because when I was a kid I was never aloud to participate in holidays. (I was a Jehovah Witness) So I have fantasized about it ever since I was a little girl...

One day at school we had dress up as your favorite Idol, and I begged my mom to let me dress up. I explained to her that I understood that I don't worship Idols, but I do like actors.... So I told her if I could be Holly Golightly. :D

My mom teased my hair. And made it look like the real thing..... I also had a trench coat that I loved, then my mom let me wear her fake pearl necklace, and last but not least I put on some lipstick.... then bam! I was her.


I thought everyone was gonna like it, but to my dismay.... No one knew who I was.... Except for one older teacher.... What a shame. Hahaha

So that's as close as I got to dressing up in public.... Oh! And there was western day.... I was the only kid who loved westerns.... My main man has always been John Wayne! You know those movies that you are addicted to when you are a kid? Some westerns I couldn't stop watching were,

"True Grit"

"Big Country"

And "Giant"

I am unsure if this really counts as a western, but who cares? :P It would be a lie if I didn't say I love Fivle goes west.... :D

So other than those 2 times as a kid, I never was aloud to leave the house dressed up... In side was a different thing.... I'll leave that story for another day.

Any who now that I am old enough to dress my self :P My mind gets full with Ideas for Hallows Eve....

Here's weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee goooooooooooooooooooooooo....

Cigarette Girl Pictures, Images and Photos

Navy Captain (I have the outfit):

Cow Girl:

Doctor Beverly Crusher (I have the uniform):

Which one to choose?????????

What are ya'll wearin' for the festivities?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Baby it's cold outside:

It's raining this week in L.A.


So I have been able to dress in my winter clothes. I wore this yesterday:




90 percent goodwill, and the other percent is a gift from my mom. I believe she got it at American Apparel..... It's the only place that I know sells Rompers... I love them! They are so fun and reminds me of my inner ballerina.


Then for my hat I bought that a long time ago at Stars Antique Market. I have been shopping there since I was 10. I love that place. It's my Disnyland... Aside from PCC Flea Market

And as for the shoes, skirt, and sweater.... all of them are from goodwill.

I hope this motivates you to visit these places. :)

I forgot to add that I later put on my black seems... It was the cherry on top!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

No more negativity! :D

I have decided not to dwell on things that bug be but rather use this space to talk about the things that make me happy. So unless you want to get depressed and annoyed by me, then be my guest and read my previous posts. :P

So, here I go. What I do like is music... scratch that. I love music. hehehe. I also love food. Those have to be my two main loves in my life... alongside with toys and boys. By toys I am speaking of cars and motorcycles. And boys is self explanatory.

I'll talk about this weeks events. Well this weather in L.A. has been affectin' me. This week it was an all time record high. 113 in downtown... and I live in downtown... So I have been spending the days lounging around my house with my Dasie Duke shorts and wife beater with a cup of water(to dowse myself with water) and fan in front of me. This week I looked like a hippie with no bra, no make up, and I had a musty smell because of all my sweat. Not a pretty picture. Hahaha. Thank goodness no one of importance came over.

On Monday my brother and I had to get out of our house to somewhere cool. So we decided on goin' to the beach. He invited his girlfriend, and a mutual friend of ours from high school to meet us up out there... I took my scooter, my brother took the bus/his bike. It was fantastic fun. It was neat to catch up with the guy from high school. It's so funny to think that I was head over heals for that guy... What a silly girl I am.

Other than that I have been free loadin' as much air conditioning as I can at the school library, and the gym. By the way, all the hotties work out during mid day. RAWR! ;)

Also, I have been stayin' at my pops place since the beginning of school... So my daily outfit is so limited. I have two day dresses, one evening dress, and two dancing dresses.... Not much to work with... So I am excited to go back to my home and come to school in my best fashion.

Also with this heat I have been trying new ways to put up my hair. The key things for pulling off an up-do with short hair are bobby pins (thank you higher power who ever you are) and Flowers. I have become a collector of flower hair clips.

And for the make up, it's been simple. No winged liner. Just light eyeshadow with a flick of mascara. and light red lips. I am loven' that I get to milk this sunny weather before fall and winter settle in.

One more thing. This week has been tiki/surf/roma themed for me. I have been listenin' to tons of surf rock and some roma music.

Well here's the tunes of the week:

Create a MySpace Playlist at

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Build me up Buttercup:

This week was okay... It was very fun and stressful.

Monday-Thursday was school. It was fine. I am getting used to the kitchen now, so I am not feeling so nervous in there. This week was based on cutting up chicken, making Volute, A mother sauce, a small sauce, grilling, and learning more about the different types of grades of meat, and different sauces. It was so exciting.... Except for my nutrition class.

That guy is crazy, he makes us waist three hours of class time on baking. When baking is totally irrelevant.

I asked him if I could spend the lab time reading as apposed to baking, and to my surprise he said that was fine.

Also for my practical, we were not prepared to present our menu..... For the practical we have to make a nutritious 5 course meal under 3,500 calories.

Sounds simple, but it isn't.... but this weekend the group I am in are going to practice the menu and see if we are fully prepared to present on Monday. I am anxious to have the guys come to my house. I am kinda excited to show the hot guy my house, because it's very retro.... I know he's going to fall in love with my stove, just as much as I am with it :)

I am also nervous that my kitchen isn't big enough for all three of us to be working in there. We will see though. I am confident that everything will work out fine.

I forgot to say who is in my group, The hot guy, the cute guy, and Andres (smart ass of the class). They are some kick ass guys.

The other day I realized that The hot guy is now my dream boy. Hahaha. Juvenile I know.... but hear me out.... Yeah sure he's on the hyper side, but he's not like that all the time. The more I hang out with him, the more chill he is. Also I didn't know that he knew so much music..... He know's all the goodies from the 30's to today. THAT'S HOT!

But it was sad, we both had an emo moment in school.... I brought my laptop to school and we were using it for our project, then I pulled up Rhapsody and played lonesome town.... because I was feeling blue knowing that I can't go out with him.....then my heart sank....not only did he know that it was by Ricky Nelson, he knew the songs lyrics.... not all of them, but enough to sweep me off my feet... Then he confided in me that he talks to a lot of girls, but he's no playa playa, it's just that girls that he doesn't like, want him, and the girls that he wants, they don't like him..... and I locked eyes with him and I said, "I know what you mean"....then I just wanted to hug him and tell him let's go far away together....

It was such a awesome emo moment.... then also he keeps on getting fresh with me... Like earlier this week I was typing and he came up from behind me, rested his head on my shoulder and swung his arms around me and started typing and kinda whispered, I want you to hear this song... I was all like, okay..... and then to avoid that moment I started talking to the cute guy about the menu..... but my heart was pounding so hard.....

Another moment were I knew I was falling for him was when he brought up my myspace update... I was telling him to hurry up with his conversions for the calories in his appetizer, and then he went, "look sweetie, we are gonna be here for a while, your not going to wear no red/blue/green/white dress to no swing dancing club" Then I blushed, and then he said, "yeah that's right I know what your up to lil missy" I just shut up then....Then we started to talk about swing dancing and he told me how he only knows the basics, and I told him I dont know anything about it, and that I just go and watch people dance when I go to clubs....then he said not any more, then I asked why not, he said, because the next time you go you're taking me with you......

So I finally found a dance partner... :) I am uber stoked.... And I found the perfect place to try my dancing shoes out.... there is going to be a gig in long beach (where he lives) and it's gonna play some danceable tunes.... Iam so excited I hope he says he will go, because I don't want to go all alone on the train...

anywho, it's my best friends birthday, and I have to help him get fucked up tonight....So here we go.....

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I aced it!!!

Like ace ventura. :P

I aced my class. Even my teach was impressed at my quiz scores. It feels so great to pass a class with out a doubt for. This is the second time that I've done well at this school.

It's amazing how a sense of direction can help a person. :)

I am all smiles today. I am on a mini vacation till next monday. This Friday I am headed down to San diago(whales vagina) to have a belated birthday celebration. She always seems to make my birthdays the highlight of the year. I love that little lady. until Friday comes I am going to be busy with house work. I have a LOT of weeding that needs to be done.... Also I have a lot of cleaning that has been neglected due to school.

Another thing that has been neglected are my eyebrows. I cant find my tweezers so my eyebrows are all outta wack o doodle. Oh well.

Other than that, everyone is in good health this week. Even my lil boys Amadeus and snick. They have been battling the heat with their own mini fan, and enjoying their frozen blue berries.

Boy update:
It's funny how him and I both are shy at each other... So it's going slow, but fine. There was a snag this week....Here's the low down, I prepped myself to talk to him on Monday at our break..but like usual I finish the quiz before him and then I go to get my tea and croissant...then on my way back I see this chick from the cosmetology class dying what seemed to be the head of a troll doll. While I was looking at her do it. I saw a hand waving at me from the person sitting on side of her. Then I readjusted my eyes and notice it was the hot guy waving. I smiled, said hi, and waved.... But it's so strange. Before that moment I had never felt jealousy about a guy. I thought about it and now I just think I was over reacting. If I had the chance I would talk to her, she's beautiful. And beside their is no rational grounds to be jealous.:P

Today was our ServSafe test for certification. The way the test was set up was that we do the test, then when we were done we hand it to the teacher and then sign our initials on the roll sheet. So I thought that if I timed it just right I would go up to my teacher at the same time the hot guy was up there. So I did it, and it worked perfectly. The teacher asked me if I was interested in volunteering at an event.... and I discussed to him that I am up to being a part of the organization that he works for...blah blah blah..... then the hot guy is all like, "Even though I didn't go to the meeting, may I join?" teach said yeah, and that we should both right down our emails. Then we did...And the hot guy was surprised by my hand writing and said that he felt inferior to me because it was so neat. I gigled. Then I asked the teacher about what kind of things I need to buy for my next class, so he gave me some pointers and then the hot guy listened in too because as it turns out he has the same class as me... So he asked me to be his partner in the class. So I immediately replied, "I am down" HAHAHa. Classy or what? :P

So next week is a new chapter of the boy adventure.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

This week:

Went splendid.

For my birthday everyone bailed out on going to the cicada club, so I just stayed at home. I was pretty bummed. Then one of my best friends called me up and asked me if I was doing anything, and I told him no..... then he said the sweetest thing. He asked me out to dinner, and said that I could choose any where I wanted, so I chose a Astro's burgers and then he said no, because he wanted it to be really nice. So I said pizza boza because it's cheap and has great food, and the added bonus of a juke box. :)

So I got dolled up and he came and picked me up... then to my surprise 3 of my other friends were there. I was so stoked. One of the other cute things is that Crust (the friend who invited me to dinner) was dressed in a nice pair of suspenders. It was sweet because I could tell that he dolled up for me. <3

I forgot to mention that he brought me roses. No one has ever brought me roses. I absolutely love the roses he bought me.

uhhhh oh.... I remember telling him that if A guy came to buy me roses and take me out to dinner I would marry him..... I wasn't expecting it to be him.... I hope he doesn't like me that way. :o

Any who back to the story.......

When we got to the joint, and we all had a blast. I loved it so much.... then Crust took me to Mickey Dees and got me a dipped Ice Cream. I love that guy so much. He's my big brother, well, a nice big brother. :)

So I am still surprised by that.

And then with the boy from school, things have been slowly progressing. He talked to me about two days a go and told me that he likes my style, and tried making small talk. I noticed that once he started talking to me he got super nervous. I loved it. Something about seeing a guy just crumble in front of me feels great in a sadistic kind of way. :P

Then another time I was walking into the computer lab to email one of my reports and to my dismay he was there. I walked in and sat down and looked up and once again he was staring and I smiled and nodded at him....then he did the smoothest thing ever, he winked at me.....

Too fine.

We have had little hellos and good bye's since then..... I am wanting more though.

So now I have decided that on Monday I am gonna pursue a longer conversation and then invite him to come with my friends and I to go and see Blue Oyster cult this weekend. :) If he's not available this weekend, then Ill invite him for something else soon. :)

I am not letting this opportunity pass me bye......because this one is too fine.

Thanks for reading love,

Saturday, July 17, 2010

This week is my birthday:

So, it's that time of the year where I reflect on my life so far. This year is the first year where I am content with the way things are. I am working towards a goal by being good in school :D I am working on my appearance on a daily basis. I try to figure out how to make myself look better and be a better person on a daily basis.

It's daunting to turn 20 though. It feels the same as when I turned 13. Because when I turned 13, everyone would kid with me and say, "How does it feel to be a teenager?" And it all felt the same, but in my heart I was in anticipation of the future. I
told myself that my childhood was over and from then on it was going to be different.... I wasn't sure what would change, but I was bracing for the inevitable.

From this transition to 20, people are telling me that I am no longer a teenager, and that I am an adult. I don't feel like one, which I doubt will ever change, but it's feels like something big is going to happen in this next decade and I don't know what to do.... except wait.

Enough about that. This weekend has already begun for me. Tonight I went to a gig over on 92nd and Vermont (ghetto). My sweetheart of a friend Brian invited me to come and see his boyfriend play. So I was game. I took the bus out there, and I didn't change my outfit for something more suitable, I showed up in a nice two tone suit, with my hair greased and curled back, make up done...So that caused some unwanted attention from drunks, but it didn't matter I was with my friends... I also wanted to mention that the mta bus driver was so sweet. She dropped me off right in
front of the gig because she thought I looked too nice to walk on that street....

Tonight was fun because I saw Cafe Tecuba, and I haven't seen them in years....So it was great to reminisce. I got to get into the pit a few times... I had to stop because my darn heels kept fallin' off. =(

Tomorrow, or rather today I am going to go visit my mom in the south bay. It should be nice. She is house sitting a house near the beach, so we might go for a dip. And I love the kitchen at that house. Its got a beautiful set of pots and pans from sur la table. They are great to work on. I am still contemplating what to make.

Sunday I am hopefully gonna go to the Cicada club. That is if I have enough dough and if I can get a friend/date to come with me.

And on Monday after class I am gonna go over to Pasadena and go to my favorite ice cream and soda pop shop.... Then go buy a balloon.

Should be a great weekend.

Hope your weekend is great too.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

New update... Okay so I have put my whole vintage look into affect about 4 days ago, and today was the second day in class.....

I spotted him yesterday and he was medium cute. Duckbill hat, cuffed jeans, dickies jacket, and that's all I remember.... But it was cute yesterday he and his friend(also, not half bad) they walked passed me and no lie they stopped what they were talking about and his friend went, " ummmm, yeahhhhh........" and I could feel um look at me... then they continued on talking about what they were talking about. Once I was out of their site. I got all confident after that.....

Then I walked into the class talked to the teacher and the took my seat. Then the rest of the day was no special deal....

Untill, today.... HAHAHA

It was koolio......

So I arrive late, which I swear never to do again. :P And I can feel the eyes beaming on me... but I snuck in with out interrupting the teach so I wasn't nervous.... So I sit down in the corner and get settled in. Then I look up and there he is glaring at me (the hot guy). He just kept starring.... And I don't think it was an angry look, it was more along the lines of, "would you fuck me, I'ld fuck me, I'ld fuck me hard"..... HAHAHA. It was awesome and then the rosie cheeks started to seep in.... and I just smile and keep my eyes on my notes.... and started to write vigorously everything the teacher was saying. Then I start to look up to see the teach, and there he is again looking at me.


It was awesome to be admired by some one so handsome.... :D.

And the cuter thing is that he dressed uber hot today.... Nice clean blue jeans carefully cuffed, hair greased high, he had leather biker boots on, same dickies jacket, plaid cuffed shirt, WITH suspenders....Suspenders drive me WILDDDDDDDDDD! Hahaha.

And then later on during the break I walked over to a seat closer to the teach because where I was sitting in the corner I couldn't see him. And when I move over to there he does that glare again.... and his friend is next to me now and putting his books into his backpack, and he puts them in extra slow because he was staring it me.... Tehehehe. Any who I walk out before they do, and the boys are still looking at me... So then I started to have this conspiracy thought.... I started to think my slip was showing and they were looking at me in an odd way...

So then I go to the ladies room and nothings wrong..Fuck itt.... So then I go to the book store to by my book, got some breakfast and sat down and ate it with my hot coco, then I notice another hot guy staring at me.... also from my class.

Hahaha. It was awesome to have my Marylin Monroe moment.

Hahaha one more thing... I never talk during the class, and I hardily ever participate.... But then the teacher started to talk about Brie..... and that is my favorite cheese... and then he started to talk about the heavenly crust that is on the edges of the cheese, and he said that people take that off because it's mold.... and then I said in a kind of disappointed voice out loud, " but that's the best part." the teacher and I agree and giggle. And when I said that, the hot guy turns around and with a surprised look on his face starts to smile. HAHAHa.

Also their was a guy asking questions in the back and I wanted to see who it was and I look to my side to see who it was... and low and behold the hot guy is blocking my view;) So I am trying to look around him and then he turns and looks at me again... and being the clutz I am I just blush and then still stair in that direction and look for the guy who's talking..... So I made that one out safe.

And then later on for some reason he had to get up and leave class early and he was explaining to the teacher, and that's when I got the whole view........ DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANG DADY-O!!!! Let me have a piece of that kit kat bar!!!!!

Was that long enough? *that's what she said*

It reminds me so much of my high school crushes.

Yikes it's only been 2 day and I haven't spoken to the guy and yet I still can't get him out of my head.....

I know why............. It's because I am used to dirty old/ young men glare at me...... and this is the first in a long time who actually hot. :)

Fuck it. I am happy just to know someone thought I was pretty.

Saturday, July 3, 2010


I know this was going to be a weekly post, but at the rate it's going now it seems more like a monthly. :P

Anywho here's some of the highlights of what happened with in the past three weeks:

On the first week, there was a shootout a couple blocks away from me... It was really scary. For some reason every year I seem to forget about the shootings. It's because of the warm weather people tend to stay out side, and that's when people get shot.... like when people are just hanging out on their front porch.... If you can't tell, I live in the hood(Echo Park).

One thing that was so weird is that I had just finished my evening tea, and was washing the dishes from dinner, it was so relaxing, and I was playing Neon Bible from Arcade fire. Just as I was reflecting at how nice of a life I have and thankful I am... the gun shots went off. Then awhile later the ghetto bird was flying around. It was so surreal.


Then the other weeks went pretty fast.
I tried 2 new recipes, one was eggplant, the other was lasagna.
I didn't care for the eggplant one.... I just am no good with eggplant yet.
The lasagna was a smash though. My dad and grandma couldn't get enough of it. So that's gonna be a repeat. This upcoming week I am going to take pictures.


Let's see what else.....oh, yeah I went goodwill shopping last weekend. And I go two adorable dresses. One is a stunning skin tight red dress, with some rhinestones, the other is a long flowy dress with a navy blue background and a whole bunch of big pink roses.. that's as close as I will ever get to wearing pink.

It was nice to find those.

Also ate at a french restaurant, it was nice. I will definitely go back again.

I gotta find my camera!!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Thesis Statement:

First and foremost, I promise you this will not be a place for venting frustration. Also, I will never apologize for not posting. I have a life and I am sure you do too. :P

This will be a weekly post. It will be more of a public diary about the life and times of me(could that sound any more conceded?). Along side I will post up what I cook, techniques that I know, also what I wear, what my grandma and I did that day. I will post about gigs, and about things that I find interesting.

Above all I hope that this post will prove and encourage other people to keep up fashion in a cheap affordable way, and to look stunning at any moment even with a busy schedule.

Did I mention I am excited? Hahaha.

If you don't like what I write I am sorry we don't agree on things, and please don't be mean and say something rude. Thank you.

Take care till next time darlings,



I guess the first blog will be an introduction of who I am and I'll make another post about what this blog will be about. :) I am so excited!!!!! :D

My name is Aneliese (better known as Anne). I am 19 years old and reside in the hectic but yet beautiful city of Los Angeles. I am a pretty positive person, but I am known to be a cold hearted person if I don't like you. My main interests are music, food, vintage clothing, motorcycles, cars, and above all caring for my grandmother.

I am open to pretty much anything except for rap. I can't stand it. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy some rap. I will give a rap song a try, but as a general rule of thumb I wont listen to a song if it's derogatory or belittles others no matter the genre.

The main tunes that I just can't get enough of are oi/skate punk, thrash, big band, hot jazz, classic rock, and the blues babay!

I am beginning an Associate in Arts degree in Culinary Arts starting next month. So exciting!!! I love food. I truly mean love. I am a fat ass. Simple as that. Hahaha. I am a lactose intolerant vegetarian. In other words I do eat/drink animal products just not meat and milk. But come my culinary classes I will eat meat. :(. When I cook it's one of the greatest feelings I get. There is something therapeutic in putting on a record, then go to my stove turn on the burner and get to it. With out a doubt my favorite style of cooking is Sicilian.

I am a huge vintage junkie. By vintage I mean I like the clothing from the 1930's to the 60's. I try my best to recreate the look from the 1940's and 50's on a daily baises. I like how the 1930's style looks on other people, but for me it's not suiting. And for the 60's I love the clothes and make up of the conservative American womyn (not a typo) but I only have a few items from that time. I hope to expand my collection.:D

I own a Honda CB160 and I am currently rebuilding the engine. I am taking classes at my local trade school to become a Motorcycle Mechanic. Something about being on a bike...... It's amazing . It's great to drive along Malibu, or to go through downtown at night. I have to be honest, I am more on the back seat than the front. I am more of a scooter person. I know it's lame, but hey you try driving a motorcycle in a skirt. If you do, then please give me some advice hun. :P

I am an okay mechanic on it, but not the best. Like I know how to fix it, but I get discouraged when it comes to cars.....BUT I do enjoy racing. I am a great street racer. I know it's not legal, but when it's safe, and the car I am driving is reliable, then pedal to the metal. My dream cars are either a Lotus Elise, or a 1969 fastback red with a white racing stripe Mustang. I try to go to car shows when ever I have some spare money/time ..... which is rare now a days :(

I love her. She's pretty old, but still kicking it. I am unsure about her age, but I do know she is some where in her late 60's. I am her caregiver. I live with her and make all her meals, and do as much as I can for her.

When I am on brake from school we will spend our day like this:

I will make breakfast for her and I pack a lunch for later, then we will do what ever chores or errands she wants to do that day, then come back home make some dinner for her, my father, and myself. Then after that we will settle her bills or sum up her money for the following day. It sounds simple, but she has many mental illnesses a long with depression, so doing those things are a HUGE task for her. Anxiety attacks are a daily ordeal for her.

When I am at school this is how we spend our day:

In the morning make breakfast for us, then I will go to school, come back help her with chores around the home and clean house for her. Then once five o'clock comes around and she feels like I have helped her enough for the day I will start making dinner for her, my father, and I.

The way it is set up, she lives in her house in the front...And I have my own bungalow in the back complete with a kitchen :D, a room, bathroom, and closet. I will post some pictures at another time.

Also, on the weekends I go out clubbing WOOT WOOT! Some clubs that I frequent the glamorous Cicada, 18+ 80's club, and I sometimes go to trance clubs. Although I have to admit that I sneak out on Mondays to go to Blue Mondays it's my second favorite club to the Cicada.

I love her because even though she has so much going on in her head, and she isn't the same womyn that I knew growing up......she still keeps on going. She also has a huge appreciation for life even though everything is so messed up for her.

My father(her son) asked me the other day why I am so hard working for her, and I told him that even though 90% of the time she is lost and confused, the other 10% of the time it's the grandma that I came to know and love. The funny, carefree grandma pops out every now and again. It's for those short moments that I do it. And above all, what makes me keep going is my love for her.

Over looking this post, I refuse to believe I am that busy. Hahahaha.

Tah Tah for now sweeties,