Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Giveaway alert!

"In The Hayday" blog has reached it's 100 followers mark! Congrats hun!!!


She is giving away Fleur's gorgeous dress. I hope that I can get it. :P Here's the link to her blog if you haven't read it already.

Friday, October 15, 2010

I told the crush that I liked him...

Wasn't hard. Just messaged him.... It went as predicted... REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Jected. :P I am cool though... I waited to tell him when I was comfortable with being rejected. :D

Although I have to tell you I am so much happier to know that he's not into me. I know it sounds strange... But now I know there is no more guessing. It's final. He's not my kinda man. And I feel powerful now that I am not thinking about anyone else but me and what I have to do.... Well, that's not a hundred percent true... I have to think about my family... :D But It's hard to explain, but point being I am happier than normal now that I told him....

Here's a cutie patutie video that I stumbled upon:

Cute Picture:


Quote of the day:

Meglio stasera, che domani o mai,
Domani chi lo sa, quel che sarĂ ?

Literal translation

Better tonight, than tomorrow or never,
Tomorrow who knows, what will be?

Hollows Eve!

Oh how I wish Halloween could be every day! Or at least a whole week long. :(

I have so many Ideas to dress up.... I think the reason why is because when I was a kid I was never aloud to participate in holidays. (I was a Jehovah Witness) So I have fantasized about it ever since I was a little girl...

One day at school we had dress up as your favorite Idol, and I begged my mom to let me dress up. I explained to her that I understood that I don't worship Idols, but I do like actors.... So I told her if I could be Holly Golightly. :D

My mom teased my hair. And made it look like the real thing..... I also had a trench coat that I loved, then my mom let me wear her fake pearl necklace, and last but not least I put on some lipstick.... then bam! I was her.


I thought everyone was gonna like it, but to my dismay.... No one knew who I was.... Except for one older teacher.... What a shame. Hahaha

So that's as close as I got to dressing up in public.... Oh! And there was western day.... I was the only kid who loved westerns.... My main man has always been John Wayne! You know those movies that you are addicted to when you are a kid? Some westerns I couldn't stop watching were,

"True Grit"

"Big Country"

And "Giant"

I am unsure if this really counts as a western, but who cares? :P It would be a lie if I didn't say I love Fivle goes west.... :D

So other than those 2 times as a kid, I never was aloud to leave the house dressed up... In side was a different thing.... I'll leave that story for another day.

Any who now that I am old enough to dress my self :P My mind gets full with Ideas for Hallows Eve....

Here's weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee goooooooooooooooooooooooo....

Cigarette Girl Pictures, Images and Photos

Navy Captain (I have the outfit):

Cow Girl:

Doctor Beverly Crusher (I have the uniform):

Which one to choose?????????

What are ya'll wearin' for the festivities?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Baby it's cold outside:

It's raining this week in L.A.


So I have been able to dress in my winter clothes. I wore this yesterday:




90 percent goodwill, and the other percent is a gift from my mom. I believe she got it at American Apparel..... It's the only place that I know sells Rompers... I love them! They are so fun and reminds me of my inner ballerina.


Then for my hat I bought that a long time ago at Stars Antique Market. I have been shopping there since I was 10. I love that place. It's my Disnyland... Aside from PCC Flea Market

And as for the shoes, skirt, and sweater.... all of them are from goodwill.

I hope this motivates you to visit these places. :)

I forgot to add that I later put on my black seems... It was the cherry on top!